A. We’re a faith community, seeking to respond to Jesus’ call to love and serve, through
ministries of compassion and social justice.
B. We are a caring group of believers, who seek lives of meaning and purpose through our faith
journey. We offer a place of friendship, acceptance and hope.
C. We’re a faith group. That’s because each of us has met God in a real, tangible way in our lives.
We experienced and continue to experience his love profoundly through meeting Jesus. It
changed our lives forever. In a remarkably good way.
D. We work hard at being a close-knit gathering of believers from all walks of life, backgrounds,
nationalities, languages and ages. Like a natural family, we believe in committed relationships,
serving God and serving each other. No generation gap, no hierarchy, no cliques.
These are the things that are important to us as a group as we do life together. The “how”, “what”, “when”, “why” and “where’s” structure that pull it all together and make up our DNA.
Incarnational – Being and bringing the presence of Jesus Christ into our community, both as a group and as individuals where we are called.
(John 1:14, Matthew 5:13-16, Galatians 2:20)
Missional – Working out God’s calling for us as individuals and as a community in the context of the Westshore, seeing the opportunities that are available here.
(2 Corinthians 5:20, John 17:18, John 20:21)
Relational – Connecting as disciples with Jesus, as friends and co-mentors with one another through Covenant, and as supporters to and friends with our community.
(John 13:34-35, Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:4-8)
In our Vision image, 3 significant words appear, each with a very specific purpose and intention. They are critical to our journey and yours as we make our way through life. What is the basic and most important need of every human being? To be loved. In the world as we know it, this is often a void within a person’s heart that is left vacant and felt profoundly. We long to see that void filled within you as it has been in us. People cannot fill it, or careers, things or money.
We say it during our gatherings, it’s on our signs, it part of our logo: You belong here. Our hope is that we provide a place, a family and refuge, where anyone can belong and be accepted, loved and encouraged.
We love our City and serve our friends and neighbors. As we walk with people through their struggles we point them to the cross and the gospel, which has transformed our lives. It is this, the golden nugget of truth – the gift of Jesus and the power of his love in our lives – that is at the crux of our faith.
Behavior is the fruit of belief. Our beliefs can be shaped by lies. When we learn the truth, our behavior can change. Often that takes time. The ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is not a linear path from messy to un-messy. It’s often two steps forward three steps back. And that’s okay. The Forge is here to help believers become what God intends: “become conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29). This could take a lifetime, but we’re all about equipping people for following Jesus and serving out of that relationship; to walk out their life with purpose, and passion with a clear sense of being loved.
Our core values help us to realize our vision and are part of all we do. They are the foundation of our identity as a community. It is out of them that we are:
Collaborative – Partnering together by using a team-based approach.
Creative – Encouraging imagination in how we do life together.
Counter-Cultural – Encouraging surrender and service rather than status.
Cross-Cultural – Celebrating and embracing all nations and peoples.
Interdependent – Surrendering our individual rights to do life together.
Intergenerational – Including all ages and styles of people.
Intuitive – Being guided by the Spirit and our relationships, not programs.
Improvisational – Allowing for spontaneity and fluidity.
Intentional – Being deliberate and meaningful in everything we do.
With our vision and core values in mind, the mission of The Forge is to provide:
Holistic care for families in the Westshore and in the Forge community.
Community centre space for community activities and groups to meet.
Freedom for the arts to flourish through worship and creativity.
Active focus on the needs of the community outside the church.
Encouragement for children to lead the community to play and create.
A safe place for people who have been marginalized.